Saturday, December 08, 2007

Rwandan Bishop leads world crusade against homosexuality

Rwanda's New Times brings forth another Anglican Bishop to crusade against homosexuality: Emmanuel Kolini. During a congregation gathering in Rwanda, dubbed as "a three-day peace crusade". Kolini is informed to have stated that "our church has decided to ignore the 2008 Lambeth Conference because it has not done much to fight homosexuality in the communion". The article goes on saying that "The Anglican Church of Rwanda has been at the forefront in evangelisation and peace building in the world", which is basically true, we only have to check this page to read about the way that "Kolini seems as concerned with the problems of America's Episcopal church as he is with his own.Some of the bishops of the Episcopal Church USA consider Kolini a buttinski. In January, he and Archbishop of Singapore Moses Tay ordained two Americans as missionary bishops to the United States."

But who is this Emmanuel Kolini? Which was his place and standpoint during the Rwanda genocide? Paul Rusesabagina, in an open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, says that "while the Rwandan Patriotic Front in power today slowly drove Rwanda into anarchy from 1990 to 1994 with massive killings of innocent civilians, the churches ministering in Rwanda, including the Anglican Church, chose the path of indifference, passivity and silence. When genocide broke out in Rwanda in the spring of 1994, taking the lives of an estimated 800,000 Tutsis and Hutus, again the churches operating in Rwanda, including the Anglican Church, chose silence and retreat," which includes Emmanuel Kolini as part of that Anglican church, however strong are his claims that it was the West which kept silent during the 1994 genocide. Mark Harris, an Episcopal priest of the Delaware Diocese, writes in his blog Preludium that "Archbishop Kolini seems to be making peace by making war. An odd bit of doublespeak."

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