Monday, October 01, 2007

Ahmadinejad Invites U.N. Inspectors to Search for Homosexuals

Just days after asserting that there are no homosexuals in Iran, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today invited United Nations inspectors into his country to search for homosexuals. "We have nothing to hide," Mr. Ahmadinejad said in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly. "You can search the entire country – even the airport bathrooms." While some senior U.S. diplomats expressed skepticism about the Iranian president's offer to allow U.N.  inspectors to search his country for homosexuals, Mr. Ahmadinejad attempted to silence the skeptics by permitting the use of "advanced gaydar technology" as part of the proposed inspections. "In Iran we have the most advanced gaydar in the world and we are prepared to share it with you," he said.

In the immediate aftermath of Mr. Ahmadinejad's speech, it was unclear as to who would lead the U.N.'s inspection efforts, but most diplomats assumed that the task would fall to Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). At a press conference at the United Nations, Mr. ElBaradei acknowledged that he had no previous experience searching for homosexuals, but said that if chosen to lead the inspection effort he would make sure that the inspections were "rigorous and thorough." "The possibility that Iran may possess homosexuals is a serious matter to the world community,"  Mr. ElBaradei said. "There has been evidence for some time that Iran may be attempting to build a Broadway musical."

Elsewhere, President Bush made his first official comment on the situation in Myanmar, telling reporters, "I will support whichever side is easier to pronounce."

[Note: The above text's been taken from a message in Yahoo! Groups]

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Juan Luis said...

uf... un galego falando en inglés? happy... happy... eu pouco falo en inglés, a verdade... pero bueno... sei do que falas...o presidente de Irán decindo insultantemente que non hai homosexuales en Irán... por suposto que non hai... joder! si acaban con eles... había que facerlle o mesmo a ese individuo... bye...

Juan L. Iglesias said...

Pois xa ves, os galegos somos de onde nos peta e falamos no que nos apetece. Home, é que sendo unha equipe de media ducia de xente dende os Emiratos até o Caribe, non che lles poido pedir de face-la bitácora en galego.
De feito o que dixo Mahmoud foi que no Irán non hai homosexuais como os hai en América (máis ou menos coma na Folsom Street Fair ou nas xuntanzas do Pride), asi que vouno defender un pouco, só nese sentido. Que haiba pena de morte para a sodomía é outro cantar, haina tamén no norte de Nixeria, en Afganistán... en sete países, se non me engano. O caso e que nos Estados Unidos ahí tés ó Fred Phelps que anda clamando ó ceo para executar sumariamente a tódo-los gays e lesbianas, e masturbadores compulsivos etc. Non che é o único: se lles deixaran, Billy Graham e os demáis telepredicadores fundamentalistas habían facer o mesmo. E seguramente Antonio Rouco tamén clamaría por cárcel, polo menos.
Graciñas pola visita, tocaio.